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Editing & Proofreading

As English has become the global language of business, travel, and in some cases, education, there is far more need for editors to aid non-native speakers to present their work well.

Different cultures are steeped in different cultural linguistic traditions and English-speaking countries are no different. What may pass in Australia may not be acceptable in the United States. Knowing a language doesn’t necessarily mean that you understand the cultural use of it. Grammar and structure are only one aspect of successful communication, knowledge of cultural context is more important when putting anything in writing.

Allow me to not only edit your text, but to make sure that it is culturally compliant as well.

Resumes, CVs, and Cover Letters
When applying for jobs in other countries, it is important to know that some use the resume format like the United States and Canada, whilst others use the CV (Curriculum Vitae) format like Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

A CV presents your entire education and employment history whilst a resume requires a more concise version related to the specific position being applied for. The two documents can differ vastly in length. All countries require a CV or resume to be accompanied by a well-written cover letter which details or highlights any additional information that may not be present in the CV or resume but is advantageous for the candidate’s application. As a job application is a snapshot of your skills, the more information you can provide to the prospective employer the most succinctly, the better.

Academic Papers
I have experience editing academic papers for submission, not only for myself but for others as well.
Please be advised, however, that I will not offer advice on content. As there are many avenues and disciplines of research, many of which I am unknowledgeable, my edits are strictly grammar, punctuation and clarity of idea based.

As a professional writer, I have years of experience writing copy that speaks to the human experience, running the gambit from elation to despondence and everything in between.

Whatever the message you wish to deliver in your content, I can help you make it something special.

Should you wish to read my writing, please click on the Links page to access my content.

Allow me to help you make a splash in the world, whether it be as an employee, an academic, or a business.